sunnuntai 10. tammikuuta 2010

One Call Would Have Revealed False Doctor, Minister Says

Minister of Social Services Paula Risikko does not understand why the competence of the young man who posed as a doctor at the Karkkila Health Centre was not properly ascertained. In an interview with the newspaper Aamulehti, the fraud could have been found out with just one telephone call to VALVIRA, the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health.
VALVIRA registers all competent doctors, as well as medical students who have studied medicine for 4-5 years.
Risikko says that it is a mystery to her how a 23-year-old man was able to fool people in Karkkila and Karjaa so well that he could pose as an advanced medical student for over a year before being caught.
The person in question had never studied medicine, although he had tried to get into medical school twice.

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