tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012



sunnuntai 4. heinäkuuta 2010

YouTube Hacked, Justin Bieber Videos Targeted...

In the past hour it appears YouTube has become the target of a hacker attack, specifically targeting videos of pop singer Justin Bieber.
Videos relating to the star have been hit with a redirect hack with a number of different payloads. We’ve seen one redirect to an infamous, explicit “One Man One Jar” video while another covers the screen in the words “OMG Faggot”. A Twitter search confirms that the problem is widespread. Some users are reporting seeing a banner claiming that Bieber is dead.

So, what’s causing this? Coder Richard Cunningham writes on his Posterous blog that it relates to video comments.

“It looks like they are deliberately using malformed HTML to get past YouTube’s checks for HTML sanitisation in the comments. The comment I’ve seen is using the long forgotten marquee tag and a javascript alert, though in principle it could be expanded to support XSS type flaws.”

YouTube appears to be deleting or blocking comments on many video pages. The attack comes on the same day as an apparent iTunes App Store hack came to light. We’ll update with more information as we get it.
UPDATE: Discussions on the notorious 4chan bulletin board site point to members of its community being to blame. We won’t link to the site (the link would be unlikely to last long if we did) so here’s a screenshot of one such message.

Reports on 4chan say that YouTube has blocked the script that hackers were using:

An update via Slashdot:
Several hours ago, someone found an HTML injection vulnerability in YouTube’s comment system, and since then sites such as 4chan have had a field day with popular videos. The bug is triggered by placing a

What to do??? That is the question…

Ok, lately i have been looking for a job and i have been in couple of interviews also. The fact is that there are not that many IT jobs available here in the north finland. The interviews that i have been in are basically IT-sales jobs, i do not want to work in the sales, i want to work with computers, programming and networking...

I know that there are some jobs available in south-finland but the fact is that i cant move there, because my wife has one more year left in the university here.

Do you guys have any ideas on how the get a job from the north-finland???

Google is building their datacenter in Finland now, maybe i can get a job from them…

lauantai 3. heinäkuuta 2010

Apple, What the hell are you doing???

Apple has been in the headlines lately, because of iPhone 4. This time the news is not good, it seems to be that there is a problem with the antenna of the phone. Apple is usually known from their very high quality in their devices. A phone this expensive should not have this kind of problem. Apple also gave some guidelines on how to use the new iPhone, " Do not cover the left bottom corner of the phone." I mean what the fuck is this now. My opinion is that if there is this kind of problem, they need to recall all the iPhones and fix the issue. If they can't provide a real working solution for this issue, otherwise this might hurt Apple's reputation…I just know that i'm not getting one before it is 100% functional.

check out the video made while the new iPhone 4G was in finnish operator (sonera) network
check out the video here

perjantai 2. heinäkuuta 2010

Finland has become the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for every citizen

Finland is in international headlines again, this time it is positive news. As most of you already know or may not know, Finland is now the first country in the world that has made broadband a legal right for every citizen. This is a huge step-up for finland's digital age. Also Finland is once again pulling the technology train forward.

I found an article from BBC concerning this matter and here it is:

Finland has become the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for every citizen.
From 1 July every Finn will have the right to access to a 1Mbps (megabit per second) broadband connection.
Finland has vowed to connect everyone to a 100Mbps connection by 2015.
In the UK the government has promised a minimum connection of at least 2Mbps to all homes by 2012 but has stopped short of enshrining this as a right in law.
The Finnish deal means that from 1 July all telecommunications companies will be obliged to provide all residents with broadband lines that can run at a minimum 1Mbps speed.
Broadband commitment
Speaking to the BBC, Finland's communication minister Suvi Linden explained the thinking behind the legislation: "We considered the role of the internet in Finns everyday life. Internet services are no longer just for entertainment.
"Finland has worked hard to develop an information society and a couple of years ago we realised not everyone had access," she said.
It is believed up to 96% of the population are already online and that only about 4,000 homes still need connecting to comply with the law.
In the UK internet penetration stands at 73%.
The British government has agreed to provide everyone with a minimum 2Mbps broadband connection by 2012 but it is a commitment rather than a legally binding ruling.
"The UK has a universal service obligation which means virtually all communit
Making broadband a legal right could have implications for countries that plan tough action on illegal file-sharing.
Both the UK and France have said they may cut off or limit the internet connections of people who persistently download music or films for free.
The Finnish government has adopted a more gentle approach.
"We will have a policy where operators will send letters to illegal file-sharers but we are not planning on cutting off access," said Ms Linden.
A poll conducted for the BBC World Service earlier this year found that almost four in five people around the world believed that access to the internet is a fundamental right.


keskiviikko 30. kesäkuuta 2010

Apple's history in 2 minutes…

tiistai 29. kesäkuuta 2010

Google to compete against Facebook in social media with Google Me…

I found this from the internet and i thought to post it here because i think that many people might be interested to read this…

Yesterday, Digg CEO Kevin Rose tweeted that he’d heard a “huge rumor” that Google was planning to launch a Facebook competitor called “Google Me”, sparking off a wave of speculative reports (Rose has since removed the tweet). NowAdam D’Angelo, who was Facebook’s CTO for years and is now founder of hot Q&A service Quora, is weighing in with more details. And from what he’s hearing, Google Me is indeed very real, and it’s gunning for Facebook.
D’Angelo shared his thoughts as an answer to one of the questions on Quora. Here’s his response:
    Here is what I’ve pieced together from some reliable sources:
  • This is not a rumor. This is a real project. There are a large number of people working on it. I am completely confident about this.
  • They realized that Buzz wasn’t enough and that they need to build out a full, first-class social network. They are modeling it off of Facebook.
  • Unlike previous attempts (before Buzz at least), this is a high-priority project within Google.
  • They had assumed that Facebook’s growth would slow as it grew, and that Facebook wouldn’t be able to have too much leverage over them, but then it just didn’t stop, and now they are really scared.
You can read more responses to the question on the Quora thread here.
This obviously has the potential to be huge, and Facebook needs a strong competitor. But even if Google has an amazing site in the pipeline, creating the next Facebook is going to be easier said than done — nearly 500 million people already have their content stored on Facebook, and despite what Facebook has claimed about being open, I doubt they’ll make it easy for anyone to jump into the arms of a competitor. Not to mention the fact that Google has had shortcomings with its social sites like Buzz, Wave, and Orkut. This could be a very interesting battle.